首先,在搬家的时候要选择适宜搬家的“良辰吉日”,最简单的办法,就是打开万年历,上面大多会记载当前适宜及不宜做的事情,而若是上面写着“诸事皆宜”,则代表当天可以做自己想做的任何事情,而若是上面写着“诸事不宜”或“余事勿取”,则代表着当天很多与习俗、运势等有关的事情,都不适合去做。First of all, to choose the appropriate move in time to move the "auspicious occasion", the easiest way is to open the calendar, mostly above the current record for and what not to do, and if it is written "all good", is on behalf of the day, you can do anything you want, but if you read "not everything" or "I do not take", represents the day many, and Feng Shui fortune and so about things that are not suitable to do.在搬家的时候还需要注意:搬家当天,不可打骂小孩,即便是小孩再顽皮、捣蛋,也不要打骂,更不要因此而生气;在搬家的时候,也尽量的要多说一些吉利的话,不可说丧气、抱怨等不吉利的话,否则也可能会对家里的运势等造成不利影响。The move also need attention: moving day, do not abuse children, even children, naughty mischief, don't abuse, not to be angry; in the move, but also try to say some bad words do not say frustrated or complain ominous words, otherwise it might be would adversely affect the family fortune etc..在搬家的时候,新宅内需要移出的物品,最好是由他人代劳,而自家搬进新宅的物品,则最好是由家人亲自动手。此外需要注意的是,家人在搬进新宅的时候,尽量不要空手入宅,多少要带点东西,比如老人、小孩可以搬运一些小型的日常用品入宅。In the move, the new house you will need to remove the items, it is best by another person, and the family moved into the new house items, it is best to start by family personally. In addition, the need to pay attention to is, when the family moved into the new house, try not to empty into the house, how much to bring something, such as the elderly, children can carry some small supplies into the house.搬家 搬家注意事项